Friday, October 23, 2015

Our class has been exploring a new computer program called Thinglink.  We have been taking pictures of our stories we read and retelling the beginning, middle, and end in this new program.  This week we have busy learning all about bats so groups have been working together and taking pictures from non-fiction books that we have been reading and then adding bat facts to it.  Check out the links below to view what the groups have created!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Felicity's Show and Tell

Felicity's family brought in their four hunting dogs for us to see!

Friday, October 2, 2015

We have been busy practicing our routines for daily 5 in reading class.  Here are some pictures of students practicing reading to someone.


We are studying our next unit in math which involves: understanding concepts about the ruler, measuring and estimating lengths using different measurement tools, measuring and comparing lengths using different length units (centimeters and meters), and relating addition and subtraction to lengths. 

This week, the students were finding objects around the room to measure using centimeters and meters.

This week we had fun celebrating homecoming!  The kids celebrated filling the shield by walking to the highschool and enjoying the pep assembly.  Go Raiders!!